Be Kind Jewelry


Learn more about Be Kind Jewelry

Be Kind Jewelry Line

About Us

I started designing ‘Be Kind’ jewelry as a way to spread kindness. Whether you purchase an ‘inspire’ bracelet, a pair of earrings, or a necklace know that you are helping to ‘be the change’. Each piece of jewelry comes with a ‘be kind’ charm to wear or to share. In a world where you can be anything, ‘Be Kind’.

Features of Our Products

Our Story

I created the ‘be kind’ jewelry line as a need to spread kindness after working with a student who attempted suicide because of bullying.

January 2015 Riley Miller attempted to take his own life and almost succeeded because of the ongoing bullying he experienced at a previous school. Losing so much oxygen to the brain, Riley had to endure months of rehabilitation at the Children’s Hospital, relearning how to walk and talk. 

In the fall of that same year, Riley transferred to the school I worked at as an EA. It was the meeting of Riley and the subsequent working with him that I realized that I needed to help ‘be the change’

Knowing that Riley is one of many kids and adults experiencing bullying, the ongoing thought running through my head was “why can’t people just be kind. 

The medium that I chose to use also has significance in that it, Cork, is a strong  resilient material as is my buddy Riley.

Cork Jewelry

Truly Natural

Grown from the Cork Oak tree of Portugal, this product grows for an amazing 150-200 years producing the bark every 9-12 years to make the cork that I use for my ‘Inspire’ bracelets, as well as other bracelets, earrings and necklaces.

Each piece of jewelry comes with a ‘be kind’ charm to be worn on the jewelry, as a zipper pull, or in any way you see fit, to help remind us that “ In a world where you can be anything, be kind”

Why Be Kind Jewelry?

Charitable Donation

A percentage of all sales are donated to charitable organizations working towards increased kids and adults mental health.

Support the Be Kind movement

By purchasing, and wearing your Be Kind jewelry, you are not only supporting our movement, but you’re helping the world become a better, kinder place.

Hand Made

Ecofriendly and trusted, our jewelry is all hand made in Winnipeg, Manitoba by experienced jewelry designers.

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